如今,很难找到一家企业不严重依赖某种电子设备. This may include:

  • Servers
  • Personal computers
  • Computer peripherals
  • TVs
  • Video conferencing equipment
  • LCD and plasma monitors
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Testing devices
  • Laboratory equipment
  • And many other types of equipment

为了保持竞争力,企业必须保持敏捷和移动, it is very common for them to ship sensitive electronics. 除此之外,如果处理不当,这些物品还会受到损坏, they tend also to be very expensive. In many ways, it is a “perfect storm” of risk.

How can you address that risk? 良好的第一步是了解可供选择的安全运输电子产品.

server crates


Your company has a large, 贵公司在西雅图的办公室需要的昂贵的电子设备. 当然,他们会在项目会议上要求尽快得到这款设备, 当谈话转向货物运输时,所有的目光都转向了你. The pressure is on!

Fortunately, 你已经了解了如何安全地将敏感的电子设备从A地转移到B地, and in a timely manner. 因此,您平静地提供了关于运输此类资产的八个关键考虑因素的信息.

  1. 你需要与一家有专业制造、包装和运输经验的公司合作. 任何找工作的托运人都会告诉你他们可以安全地运送敏感物品. However, 这种类型的项目需要的不仅仅是在设备周围多放几层包装或在盒子里添加更多的包装花生. 如果公司不能告诉你他们成功完成的几个类似项目, you are taking a risk in going with them.
  2. Your item should be covered in a protective layer of anti-static wrap. In many cases, 电子产品不会因为在运输过程中被弹来弹去而损坏, 而是通过静电的积累,随后损坏其电路或其他组件. Anti-static wrap can keep that buildup from occurring.
  3. Items being transported by ship need vapor-barrier bagging. Here again, 通常损坏电子设备的不是碰撞或挤压力, 但还有一些更微妙的、经常看不见的东西:高湿度引起的腐蚀. 敏感物品将暴露在含盐的海洋空气中,尤其应放在 vapor-barrier bag along with an activated desiccant. 然后将袋子热封,并用专门的真空工具除去里面的所有空气. 所谓的湿度指示卡也可以在密封之前放在袋子里,以便接收货物的人可以看到该物品是否暴露在高湿度环境中. 也有湿度指示器插头,通过蒸汽屏障,可以在运输过程中监测.
  4. Sensitive electronics should be shipped in a wood crate. Custom-designed wood crates offer maximum protection for fragile items. They may be crafted for a single use or, if you ship a particular type of item regularly, they can be designed to be reusable. 对于那些不需要太多保护的物品,坚固,轻便 corrugated cardboard containers are a great option.
  5. If appropriate, items should be palletized. 将物品固定在坚固的木托盘上有助于在运输过程中保持稳定和静止. 有不同的方法来确保电子设备留在托盘上, including wrapping it, banding it and other strategies.
  6. A floating deck should be used if appropriate. 浮动甲板是一个基础,设计用来吸收板条箱在运输过程中受到的冲击和能量. 浮动甲板可以在运输过程中进行各种类型的移动:从前到后, side-to-side, and up-and-down movement.
  7. Shock and tip sensors should be deployed if needed. 这些装置可以检测影响集装箱的不同类型的力或集装箱位置的变化,这样你就可以知道集装箱在运输过程中是否承受了相关的压力. You might use this information to determine whether, for example, 你需要在设备上线之前对它进行诊断.
  8. A ramp should be used for loading/unloading if appropriate. 敏感的电子设备在完成长途跋涉之前和之后都会受到损坏. Moving an item into or out of a container, or the vehicle(s) that will be transporting the container, without due caution can lead to damage. 任何项目的过渡都应该谨慎而顺利地进行, using a ramp or other assistive equipment as needed.

When you finish addressing the meeting attendees, they all nod their heads, 确信有问题的物品会完好无损地到达目的地.

server crating

Expert Logistics: Smoothing the Way for Successful Shipping

运输敏感电子产品的另一个重要考虑因素是,您应该与专业的集装箱一起工作, packaging and shipping company that provides full logistical support. 任何运送过商业资产的人都知道,运送由于这样或那样的原因而受阻的情况并不罕见. Working with a shipping partner that knows how to anticipate problems, 如果可能的话,尽量避免,如果无法避免,快速有效地解决它们是必不可少的.

这种能力只来自于多年的经验和整个交通生态系统中值得信赖的联系网络. “重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁”这句话当然适用于2021十大正规彩票app行业. For example, 当你的2021十大正规彩票app公司从高速公路部门得到一个“友好的提醒”,关于即将到来的道路封闭, it can help prevent delays and save you time and money in the process.

This is particularly true with international shipping. 对于不熟悉这些公司的2021十大正规彩票app公司来说,让电子产品等商业资产通过海关可能是一项挑战, processes and paperwork.

How will you know if your specialty crating, 包装和运输公司可以采取上述步骤,也提供出色的后勤支持? The best way to find out is to ask them. A company like Craters & 在这些领域表现出色的货运公司会很乐意描述他们的经验和专业知识, 以及他们将如何处理你的电子设备.